
Saturday, 20 November 2021

Step-by-Step-NSX-T 3.1 design and Install-P3

In my previous post Step-by-Step-NSX-T 3.1 design and Install-P2 we have have cover configuration of IP pool for host and edge transport node, transport zones, uplink profiles, Distributed switch for nsx, host addition to vds, host transport node profile and finally configuration of NSX on host transport nodes.

Now our esxi hosts are ready to participate in NSX-T datacenter however until we have a working connectivity model it would be of no use. Hence in this post we will take care of EDGE nodes.

To start with, I would urge you all to configure backup of your nsx-t manager cluster, as making it a habit will save you from many unfortunate situations. 

Please refer VMware's official documentation on nsx-t backup and restore. Please note:

  • You must restore to new appliances running the same version of NSX-T Data Center as the appliances that were backed up.
  • If you are using an NSX Manager or Global Manager IP address to restore, you must use the same IP address as in the backup.
  • If you are using an NSX Manager or Global Manager FQDN to restore, you must use the same FQDN as in the backup. Note that only lowercase FQDN is supported for backup and restore.
You can only configure NSX-T backup on a FIPS compliant SFTP, hence kindly keep that in mind while designing your solution.

Now lets configure backup for our NSX-T datacenter. Lets login to NSX manager with admin credentials

Navigate to system>> backup and restore.

Click on Edit to configure backup, fill in the details.

Accept certificate fingerprints presented.

Once its is validated it will be saved, now edit schedule.

It will initiate backup in couple of minutes.

After successful backup our screen would look like this.

Now lets configure uplink segments for edge node.

Navigate to system>>fabric>>profile>>add profile

Now fill in the details for edge node uplink profile.

Uplink 1 vlan is 2711 and uplink 2 vlan is 2712

To create segments navigate to networking and under networking choose segments. Now click add segments.

Answer no to advanced editing after you click save.

Now lets start edge node deployment.

Navigate to system>>fabric>>nodes>>edge transport node>>add edge node.

Fill name and description.

Setup credentials.

Configure deployment details.

Provide appliance networking details.

Configure NSX on edge node.

Wait for edge nodes to become ready.

Once edge node are deployed successfully your screen will look like this.

Now its time we create edge node cluster. For that we will move to edge clusters tab.

Now click on add edge cluster and create a new edge cluster.

Now we have successfully created edge node cluster.

In my next post Step-by-Step-NSX-T 3.1 design and Install-P4 we will configure T0 for north-south data traffic.

I hope I was able to add value, if your answer is yes, then don't forget to share and follow. 😊

If you want me to write on specific content or you have any feedback on this post, kindly comment below.

If you want, you can connect with me on Linkedin, and please like and subscribe my youtube channel VMwareNSXCloud for step by step technical videos.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. pardon, but i'm confused with the vlan placement.
    uplink host profile - gets a vlan
    uplink edge profile - appears to have 3
    default team 2713
    uplink 1 2711
    uplink 2 2712
    why is the "default team" on its own vlan, and not tied to any pnic?

    1. Dear x13,

      Edge nodes creates tunnel using TEP ip, which is TEP vLAN and for achieving ECMP we are using two separate uplink vlans. On 1 uplink only vlan1 and tep vlan traffic will be allowed and on second uplink tep and vlan2 traffic will be allowed.

  3. hi , good job and thanks .Only two questions...first ..do i create another segment for 2712 (uplink2- edge vlan)? second ...where is your post about T0 Deployment?My need is to create also T1 gtwys ( one for each tenant ) .Thanks a lot

    1. Dear Francesco, Yes you should create second segment and vlan for uplink 2 for ECMP, I was caughtup with multiple things and didnt get time to write next pieces yet. However I am planning to complete this soon. Thank you for all your love.

  4. For the edge node which uplinks did you assign? Can't see from the screenshot. Thank you.

    1. For edge nodes we are using 2711 and 2712 vlan for uplinks, Uplink IP address will be assigned to T0. Edge nodes have the management address which is from management range and 62

  5. For the 2711 Uplink Segment (although I can barely see from the low res screenshot) why did you specify the gateway of We have that assigned to the router, so how come we use duplicate IP for nsx-t segment?

    1. Dear Serega, For creating a vlan backed segment you need to provide the gateway address, it is still configured on the router outside NSX-T.

  6. I wish you could have finished this lab. Went all the way through it only to find out it wasn't finished. I should have read the whole thing more closely.

    1. https://www.vmwarensxcloud.com/2023/05/step-by-step-nsx-t-31-design-and.html

  7. Replies
    1. https://www.vmwarensxcloud.com/2023/05/step-by-step-nsx-t-31-design-and.html

  8. Hi Pradhuman,
    I can not ping TEP IP on edge01 and edge02 when i followed your steps. I don't know which NIC the TEP IP connects to? edge "node status" was down
    on Host TEP IP, i can ping.
    please help me.

    1. Send me your query using https://www.vmwarensxcloud.com/p/contact-us.html, will try to resolve it for you.

    2. I'm having the same issue. I followed this guide loosely to set up NSX on my ESXi host directly and I am able to ping the host-tep addresses but not the edge-node-tep addresses that are assigned to the edge nodes. It also seems that nothing consumes any ports on the DSwitch portgroup.

    3. Was able to solve this by changing the uplink portgroups on my vDS to trunks instead of VLANs as described here: https://www.lab2prod.com.au/2020/11/nsx-t-inter-TEP.html#more:~:text=How%20TEPs%20need%20to%20be%20configured%20when%20Edge%20Appliances%20reside%20on%20a%20host%20transport%20node

      It is also now part of the validated design to make the uplink PGs trunks: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Validated-Design/6.2/sddc-architecture-and-design-for-the-management-domain/GUID-BEDFA883-AE2C-4665-972A-179E88BB6B6A.html#:~:text=Segments%20on%20sfo%2Dm01%2Dcl01%2Dvds01%20in%20a%20Single%20Availability%20Zone


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