
Thursday, 9 December 2021

Step-by-step VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3 design and install VRLCM

In my previous post Step-by-step VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3 design and install AVNs we have completed deployment of application virtual networks, where we will be hosting our vRealize suite products. As VMware Cloud Foundation is the private cloud it would be incomplete without automation, logs management, operations management. That's where vRealize suite comes in picture. 

Before we talk about vRealize suite, we need to be aware of the life cycle management. Not only in IT lifecycle management plays an important role. knowingly or unknowingly we do it in our day to day life.

Step-by-step VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3 design and install AVNs

In my previous post Step-by-step VMware Cloud Foundation 4.3 design and install Edge Nodes we completed deployment of edge node cluster in VMware cloud foundation management domain and successfully deployed T0 and T1 router instance for dynamic routing. For dynamic routing we used BGP in real world deployment your network team will enable BGP on uplink devices, however if you are doing it in LAB then you need to enable BGP on your uplink router which would be in our case CSR1000v. Please refer to my post where I have enabled it on our virtual router. 

Now as we are advancing with the deployment its time we create AVNs for hosting vRealize components. As each component will be placed on a AVN based on its usage and compliant with VMware Validated Designs.

I have already talked about VMware validated designs in my post Home Lab Step-by-Step-NSX-T 3.1 design and Install-P1 I would recommend to have a look at it once.

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